Be and Us LLC

Teamwork truly makes the dream work

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A News You Can Use Podcast

A News You Can Use Podcast highlights Melanated business owners across the diaspora. We don't get the proper SHINE that we deserve. On this platform, we get to tell our own narratives.

Be happy in anticipation what's coming.
Abraham Hicks
The entire universe is conspiring to give you everything that you want.
Abraham Hicks
As you think thoughts that feel good to you you will be in harmony with who you really are.
Abraham Hicks


Frenchaire Gardner

A serial entrepreneur connecting people through cooperative economics and the arts.

Mother of Joseph Jr., Frenchaire-Two, Melchizedek Malcolm X and Sarai.

Manufacturer of her business’s Be And Us LLC Nigerian Organic Shea Butter and retailer of her own African Market filled with African makers’ products.

Creator of A News You Can Use Podcast. Creates flyers. Partners with The English Schoolhouse, Womb Care Womxn, Amber Book Store LLC, Exhale STL, Yeyo Arts Collective, The Buy Black campaign and The St. Louis Natural Hair & Black Culture Expo Foundation to sell their products. She is a visual artist, pr person, model, activist, photographer, actress and dancer. Graduated from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. Pan-African spiritualist. Read her other published works: Arts Today Newszine Vol. 5.1, Vol. 5.7, House of Otem.


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